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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Install windows seven

On this fine day I'll post how to reinstall Windows Seven. In previous posts I have posted Windows 7 AIO, and for my friend who has a similar Windows 7 but not yet know how to install it, my friend will know how here. Installing Windows 7 easier than with Windows XP and Windows Vista, because there are no questions in the middle of the installation, because Windows 7 provides questions at the end of the installation. How to install: 
1. Prepare DVD Windows 7, 
2. Set the computer to boot from the DVD, the settings through the BIOS, usually press delete or F2 key at the new computer is turned on, 
3. Insert the DVD of Windows 7, 
4. Press any key when writing press any key to boot from CD / DVD, 
5. After that will appear like this 


6. Next comes a picture like this, immediately wrote to click next 


7. Then select install now 

8. Check settings of all, 


9. The next step select the Custom (Advanced) 


9. Select the partition to be used, in this image partition Unassigned 

10. Install process got under way, the time depending on the specifications of the computer 

11. After the above process takes place, the computer will automatically restart 


12. Type the name of the user and computer name, up to you 



13. Next pal will choose whether the settings windows will be automatically update itself or not 

14. Then specify the Time zone in accordance with pal residence 

15. Windows 7 is ready to use .... 

So first post from me ... may be useful .... Yours respectfully


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